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Previously this library was a soft fork of bukson/steampy with intend to provide asynchronous methods and proxies support. But now it standalone project.

Created for steam trading purposes mostly. Inspired by DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity

Stand With Ukraine

Unstable status

The project is unstable and there might be some breaking changes in the future unless stable (first major) version is released.

AIOSTEAMPY use aiohttp underneath to do asynchronous requests to steam servers, with modern async/await syntax.

Key features โœจ

  • Stateless: low-middle layer API wrapper of some steam services and methods like market, tradeoffers, confirmations, steamguard, etc.
  • Declarative: there is models or TypedDicts for every data.
  • Typed: High-end support with extensive typing, tested on VSCode and PyCharm.
  • Simple: Fit most important related to steam trading process methods.
  • Web proxy support.

What can I do with this

  • Operate with steam trade offers.
  • Sell, buy items on market. Place, cancel orders.
  • Login trough steam to 3rd party sites.
  • Fetch data from market.
  • Manipulate many accounts with proxies for each session.
  • Get and load cookies to stay logged in (session persistence).
  • Convert market prices into different currencies.

What I can't do

  • Chat.
  • Get apps, packages.
  • All, that need connection to CM.
  • Interact with game servers (inspect CS2 (ex. CSGO) items, ...).
  • Social interaction(groups, clans).
  • Handle entities (listings, items, tradeoffers) lifecycle for easy if you need to store it.


Hard to say roadmap. Can be a little changed or updated later, get ready.

Path to first stable release. Non-exhaustive list, scheduled tasks can be done earlier than the version mentioned, but not otherwise.


  • Listings, items, offers pagination/iteration
  • Get single item from inventory as browser does
  • Change client username method


  • Remove storage methods. Caching entities must be user responsibility
  • Rename fetch_... methods to get_... to remove annoying methods symantic mess
  • ~~Web browser mechanism to fetch trade offers from Steam, avoiding Steam Web Api~~
  • Edit profile privacy settings


  • Context managers as helpers to login/logout, load/dump or get/put cookies
  • Fetch/paginate over market search pages


  • Steam user model with minimal attrs, retrieving/fetching
  • Refresh access_token mechanism


  • Tests with Steam API mocking. Target coverage ~70%. Key points (listings, inventory items, trade offers) testing suits is mandatory
  • Maturity, battle-testing in more different cases by more participants/users

Contribution ๐Ÿ’›

There is no rules or requirements to contribute. Feedbacks, suggests, other are welcome. I will be very grateful for helping me get the things right.
