Testing ๐Ÿงช

Firstly, almost all test are integration and incremental test. Mocking steam responses and validation passed query params with payload data would be much, much more complicated than real requests-responses to steam.

Secondly, for now test session can not clear all what she has done. This may lead to "hanging" sell listings and buy orders if test case failed on some point. It means you must cancel it by yourself (if you want, of course, no one forces you to do this ๐Ÿ™‚).

So ...

To run tests you need to clone repo, install project deps with tests:

poetry install --with test

There is mandatory ENV variables that need to be filled before start test session:


And optional:

  • TEST_GAME_APP_ID - app id of the game which inventory item will be placed on market sell listing and for which item type will be created buy order. Default game is CSGO.
  • TEST_GAME_CONTEXT_ID - context id of that game.
  • TEST_ASSET_ID - asset id of item in inventory if you want to choose one.
  • TEST_COOKIE_FILE_PATH - string path to json serialized cookies file via utils/get_jsonable_cookies.

All env variables listed in tests/data


You need at least one marketable item in passed or default game inventory! Wallet balance of account need to be no less than x1.5 than the cheapest listing of dedicated item type on market, to ensure that steam will place buy order.

Items on market

Market tests will place sell order for your item on market with x4 more price than the price without fee of the cheapest market listing for that item type. There is a small, near zero, chance that someone will buy this item. If that happens - I suggest you to calculate the profit and chill out ๐Ÿค‘. Buy order test, in oppose, will place order for x1.5 less price than the cheapest listing.

Now you can run all tests with:
