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Getting started ๐Ÿš€

Client creation and login

SteamClient with minimal setup:

from aiosteampy import SteamClient

client = SteamClient(
    112233,  # steam id(64) or account id(32)
    shared_secret="shared secret",
    identity_secret="identity secret",
    user_agent="my user agent :)"

await client.login()
Client args

Client will retrieve needed data from steam if you not pass it. Details there.


Aiohttp uses its own User-Agent header by default. It is strongly recommended to replace it with your own. You can easily get one from

Do work

from aiosteampy import Game

inv = await client.get_inventory(Game.CSGO)  # get self inventory

listings, total_count = await client.get_item_listings(inv[0])  # fetch listings for this item

wallet_balance = await client.buy_market_listing(listings[0])  # buy first listing and get new wallet balance

listing_id = await client.place_sell_listing(inv[0], price=15.6)  # place sell order on market

await client.cancel_sell_listing(listing_id)  # changed my mind and want to cancel my sell listing

Do another work

from aiosteampy import Game, TradeOfferStatus

gifts = await client.get_inventory(Game.CSGO, predicate=lambda i: "Nova Mandrel" in  # get all Nova Mandrel items from inventory 

partner_id = 123456789  # in friends list
offer_id = await client.make_trade_offer(partner_id, gifts, message="Gift for my friend!")  # make and confirm trade

gift_trade = await client.fetch_trade(offer_id)  # just get trade from steam
if gift_trade.status is TradeOfferStatus.ACCEPTED:
elif gift_trade.status is TradeOfferStatus.DECLINED:
    print("Ouugh noo...")