
What type of exceptions can be raised in method you can see at corresponding docstring.

All Steam side errors does have SteamError class.

So, to catch all errors of this type, all you need to do next is:

from aiosteampy import SteamError

    await client.login()
except SteamError as e:
    print("Catch Steam error", e)

But, more detailed, there is an exception hierarchy - next errors subclass SteamError:

  • EResultError - raised when Steam response with error code (success field in json response). Look at steamerrors.com
  • LoginError - when there is an error in login process occurred
  • SessionExpired - means that your session is expired, and you need to do login again. Raise decision based solely on response from Steam and no internal logic, for ex. check access_token
  • RateLimitExceeded - you have been rate limited
  • ResourceNotModified - means that requested data has not been modified since timestamp from passed If-Modified-Since header value

More information regarded last two exceptions

Respecting the hierarchy:

from aiosteampy import SteamError, LoginError, EResultError

    await client.login()
except LoginError as e:
    print("Catch specific login error", e)
except EResultError as e:
    print("Catch e result error", e)
except SteamError as e:
    print("Catch other Steam errors (there is nothing in login method, btw)", e)