Market ๐น
Deprecated documentation
This part of the documentation is not finished yet and contains information for old versions. So please check the code (and docstrings) to get a better understanding of how things work.
Main market methods of MarketMixin
Get market listings and order histogram
Get my listings¶
from aiosteampy import SteamClient
client = SteamClient(...)
active_listings, to_confirm, but_orders = await client.get_my_listings()
Place & cancel sell listing¶
from aiosteampy import SteamClient, Game
client = SteamClient(...)
# with asset id of inventory EconItem
listing_id = await client.place_sell_listing(1234567890, Game.CSGO, price=16457)
# with EconItem
inventory = await client.get_inventory(Game.CSGO)
listing_id = await client.place_sell_listing(inventory[0], to_receive=16120)
# and cancel with listing id
await client.cancel_sell_listing(listing_id)
# with listing model
active_listings, _, _ = await client.get_my_listings()
await client.cancel_sell_listing(active_listings[0])
Place & cancel buy order¶
from aiosteampy import SteamClient
client = SteamClient(...)
buy_order_id = await client.place_buy_order("โ
Butterfly Knife | Slaughter (Minimal Wear)", 730, price=1151)
await client.cancel_buy_order(buy_order_id)
# with buy order model
_, _, buy_orders = await client.get_my_listings()
await client.cancel_buy_order(buy_orders[0])