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Web proxies

It is possible to hide all interactions with Steam servers (including all session requests) behind a web proxy.

HTTPS proxies

Aiohttp has no support for HTTPS proxies at the current moment. You can read more here

First and last steps

To get SteamClient to connect, log in, and make requests to Steam through a web proxy, you can pass web proxy url as string when creating an instance:

from aiosteampy import SteamClient

client = SteamClient(..., proxy="")

Session and proxy

Bind your session to a proxy

session and proxy arguments are mutually exclusive. If you want to pass a session created by yourself, you are responsible for binding session to proxy

If you want to use web proxy for client and pass own session, you need to make requests of aiohttp.ClientSession go through it by yourself.

In utils module there is a function for http\s type of proxy: patch_session_with_http_proxy

from aiohttp import ClientSession

from aiosteampy import SteamClient
from aiosteampy.utils import patch_session_with_http_proxy

patched_session = patch_session_with_http_proxy(

client = SteamClient(..., session=patched_session)

For socks type of web proxy read next


To pass username, password of the web proxy use url string with next format:


For example:

from aiosteampy import SteamClient

proxy_url_with_auth = ""
# or
proxy_url_with_auth = "http://username:password@"

client = SteamClient(..., proxy=proxy_url_with_auth)


Extra dependency

To use socks type of the proxies project needs aiohttp-socks package.

Aiosteampy does all the necessary work behind the curtain, all you need to do is install aiosteampy[socks] dependency target.

poetry add aiosteampy[socks]

Then pass web proxy url:

from aiosteampy import SteamClient

client = SteamClient(..., proxy="socks5://username:password@")

Supported socks types

All supported proxy types you can find in aiohttp-socks repository page

Own session

In such case aiosteampy can do nothing behind the curtain ๐Ÿ˜

Use aiohttp_socks.ProxyConnector as connector:

from aiohttp import ClientSession
from aiohttp_socks import ProxyConnector

from aiosteampy import SteamClient

session = ClientSession(

client = SteamClient(..., session=session)