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To keep client session (cookies) across program/script runs, generally between process execution, we can use utils functions from utils modul:

  • get_jsonable_cookies - get cookies from session in format ready to be json serialized
  • update_session_cookies - update session with cookies from previously mentioned format

Non-real example, just for understanding:

from aiosteampy import SteamClient
from aiosteampy.utils import get_jsonable_cookies, update_session_cookies

client0 = SteamClient(...)
await client0.login()

### do some client0 work: get inventory, market, etc...

cookies = get_jsonable_cookies(client0.session)
await client0.session.close()  # close client session

# create new client
client1 = SteamClient(...)

# update cookies from client0 to client1
update_session_cookies(client1.session, cookies)

# check if session is alive and do login if it is not
is_alive = await client1.is_session_alive()
if not is_alive:
    await client1.login()

# do another work with client1


There is a helper function restore_from_cookies in helpers module to reduce boilerplate code. What it does is update client with passed cookies and try to restore login state: check if session is alive and do login if it is not:

from aiosteampy import SteamClient
from aiosteampy.utils import get_jsonable_cookies
from aiosteampy.helpers import restore_from_cookies

client0 = SteamClient(...)

### do some client0 work: login, get inventory, etc...
cookies = get_jsonable_cookies(client0.session)
await client0.session.close()  # close client session

# create new client
client1 = SteamClient(...)

# update cookies from client0 to client1
await restore_from_cookies(cookies, client1)

# do another work with client1


See how to handle cookies and store it in json file in example