Deprecated documentation
This part of the documentation is not finished yet and contains information for old versions. So please check the code (and docstrings) to get a better understanding of how things work.
Methods of TradeMixin
Make and send trade offer¶
from aiosteampy import SteamClient, Game
client = SteamClient(...)
inv = await client.get_inventory(Game.CSGO)
partner_steam_id = 123456
partner_inv = await client.get_user_inventory(partner_steam_id, Game.CSGO)
offer_id = await client.make_trade_offer(partner_steam_id, [inv[0]], [partner_inv[0]], 'Hi, lets change our items!')
Get offer from Steam and check if offer is accepted¶
from aiosteampy import TradeOfferStatus
offer = await client.get_trade_offer(offer_id)
offer.status == TradeOfferStatus.ACCEPTED
Get offers from Steam and counter one, accept & cancel¶
from aiosteampy import SteamClient, Game
client = SteamClient(...)
sent_offers, received_offers = await client.get_trade_offers()
await client.counter_trade_offer(received_offers[0], to_receive=[], message='I want this to be a gift!')
await client.accept_trade_offer(received_offers[1])
await client.cancel_trade_offer(received_offers[2])